Labs of innovation and business for yound actors of start up
Our Project
Libya Up
Labs of Innovation and Business for Young Actors of Start Ups (Libya Up) is an innovative project aimed at enhancing the competitiveness of Libyan Universities through the establishment of Technology Transfer Office. This project has been selected under the Erasmus+ Programme Call ‘Joint Project’. Its goal is to support Libyan Universities, their researchers and students to become more known in the research and innovation spheres.
Libya up aims to promote engagement in the labor market by fostering an innovative culture in the universities and local government.
Implementation of TTOs '21
This WP was fundamental to the Libya UP project as it seted the methodological framework and enabled partners to produce training materials and practical tools for setting up and running “TTO Hubs” via dedicated workshops and sharing contents.
Libya Up News
Kick Off Libya UP Meeting '20
Series of virtual meeting has been launched during the week beginning the 6th of July 2020. The project officially launched on the 15th of November 2019, as the world came to grips with the COVID-19 crisis, it was necessary to delay the start of the project until was possible to launch.
Libya Up News
Lab of Innovation and Business for Young
Innovative project aimed at enhancing the competitiveness of Libyan Universities through the establishment of Technology Transfer Offices. Its goal is to support Libyan Universities, their researchers and students to become more known in the research and innovation spheres.
Libya Up News
Enabling the exchange flow and joint creation of knowledge among partner universities
Develop innovative and multidisciplinary abilities to promote HEI research activities
Design of a Virtual Learning Platform to promote the exchange between Start Ups
Puts HEIs at the center of economic and social innovation
Stimulate then entrepreneurial spirit of staff and students
Creates thematic national and international networks
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
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